Frank The Prank - Official Documentation


Setting up local files

  • Download FrankThePrank.exe, then launch the application.
  • A folder called FtpResources will be created at the root directory, with the following contents:
  • Extensions/ - A folder containing CLI tools used to extend Frank The Prank functionality.
  • FtpConfig.json - Frank The Prank configuration file.

Registering a host profile

  • Go to Frank The Prank Web App.
  • Log in to Frank The Prank, or create an account.
  • When asked to connect to the host, skip to the main screen by clicking: "Continue without connecting to host".
  • On the main screen, tap the settings icon in the upper left corner.
  • On the settings screen, under the "Owned hosts & tokens" tab, register a new Host ID. This might take several tries since Host IDs are unique and can only be registered once.
  • Once registering a host, an 8-character authentication token will be generated. This token will be used to complete the host setup.
  • You may manage your host profiles at any time in the settings screen. Each remote user can own up to 3 host profiles. You may delete one host profile to register another.

Completing Frank The Prank configuration

  • Open FtpConfig.json, then fill out the following fields:
  • hostId - Enter your newly registered Host ID.
  • authToken - Enter the auth token which has been generated for this Host ID.
  • securityPassword - Enter a long, safe, password of your own. This password enables remote access to the host machine.
  • Launch FrankThePrank.exe and wait a few seconds.
  • If an error message popped up, the config is broken. Follow the message instructions and launch the program again.
  • If nothing has happened, Frank The Prank is supposed to be up and running. To ensure that, you may look for FrankThePrank.exe process in Windows Task Manager.

Connecting to host machine remotely

  • Log in to Frank The Prank Web App.
  • When asked to connect to host, enter your Host ID and security password (previously configured in FtpConfig.json). Error troubleshooting:
    • Host doesn't exist - Check you entered the right Host ID.
    • Host is offline - Launch Frank The Prank Host application and make sure it is up and running.
    • Password doesn't match - Check the password you entered matches securityPassword field in FtpConfig.json.
    • Remote is not whitelisted - Check if your remote username is written in whitelist field of FtpConfig.json, or disable whitelist completely.
  • Once successfully connecting to host, you may start having fun!


Features Hub

Quick bar

The quick bar is a text input located at the top of features hub.
This bar has various uses:

  • Search a feature (Enter a part of the feature's name or it's category).

  • Send a keystroke to the host machine.
    Keystroke syntax: "[key1] [key2] [key3]...".

    Keystroke examples
    Here are some examples for valid inputs to trigger a keystroke:

    • "shift ctrl esc" => Ctrl + Shift + Escape (Open task manager).
    • "alt f4" => Alt + F4 (Close focused window).
    • "ctrl a" => Ctrl + 'a' => (Select all).
    • "f5" => F5 (Refresh web page).

    Trigger keys
    Trigger keys are keys that when typed alone, can trigger a keystroke.

    • Enter
    • Shift
    • Ctrl
    • Tab
    • Escape (esc)
    • Backspace (bs)
    • Windows (win, cmd)
    • Delete (del)
    • Space
    • Capslock (caps)
    • Arrow keys (up, down, right, left)
    • Function keys (F1 - F12)

    Non-trigger keys
    non-trigger keys are keys that when typed alone, cannot trigger a keystroke. A trigger key should be added in order to create a keystroke.

    • Letter keys (a - z, A - Z)
    • Digit keys (1 - 9)
    • Other Keys (+, -)
  • Type some text on the host machine by writing text between double quotes.
    Typing syntax: " "[Text to type]" ".

  • Repeat a keystroke, a feature with no arguments or a typing action a number of times.
    Repeat syntax: "[Action to repeat] * [Number of times]"

    Repeat examples:

    • "bs * 10" => Press Backspace 10 times (Keystroke).
    • " "Hello World!" * 5 " => Type "Hello World!" 5 times (Typing).
    • "back * 3" => Send "back" feature 3 times - close 3 open windows (Feature).

Flow Builder

Flow Builder is a tool for building feature flows - chains of features running consequently. Coming soon!

File Manager

File manager is a tool for .

File Actions

  • Fetch - Upload the file from the host computer to the remote machine.
  • Launch - Launch the file with default application at host machine
  • Rename - Rename the file name.
  • Move - Move the file to another directory.
  • Delete - Delete the file.
  • Edit (plain text) - Remotely edit contents of a plain text file.
  • Play (audio) - Play an audio file with Frank The Prank media player.


Feature Arguments

Most features in Frank The Prank must be provided with arguments. Here are the arguments types and their description:

  • int - An integer number
  • float - A decimal Number
  • string - A string with no line breaks
  • text - A string with line breaks
  • choice - A single option manually selected from a list of options.
  • dynamic - A single option manually selected from a list of options rendered dynamically by data fetched from the host machine.
  • feature - A feature/flow manually selected from the features hub.
  • file - A file manually selected from the file manager.
  • folder - A folder manually selected from the file manager.


  • If host is unresponsive (seems offline, or not responding to feature sending) restart the host application and refresh the web app.
  • When facing a bug or an issue, please create a ticket in Issues tab!